Municipalities Have Options

In recent weeks, Toronto Mayor John Tory has slammed the Ford government’s spending plans, arguing that proposed funding levels for municipalities will lead to service reductions. City officials have chimed in, arguing these changes may also necessitate tax increases.

Toronto (as do other municipalities) has other options, including curbing spending on its wage bill for city employees, reducing administrative costs and reforming public services so they’re as good or better—at lower cost.

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As Tourism Booms, Amsterdam Shifts to Damage Control

Earlier this month, a report from the Netherlands Tourist Board announced a remarkable policy change: Acknowledging that “more is not always better,” the board will no longer actively promote its country as a tourist destination. Instead, straining under the pressure of a booming tourism scene, the board will focus on redistributing the visitors it already has, operating as a sort of tourism damage control for popular vacation hotspots.

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Are Tax Dollars Being Spent Effectively?

Recently, the CTA wrote to request accountability and transparency from the Federal Government regarding the Northumberland Community Futures Development Corporation (NCFDC).  We wanted to know if tax dollars spent were actually translating into jobs in Cobourg and Northumberland.  MP Kim Rudd’s reply was very disappointing – and disturbing. 

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No Floating Waterfront Playground

At the Committee of the Whole Council meeting on February 19, 2019, Council voted against continuing with the floating waterfront playground. The vote was 4 to 3 against.

Voting for the playground was Nicole Beatty, Aaron Burchat, and Brian Darling.

Voting against the playground was John Henderson, Suzanne Seguin, Emily Chorley, and Adam Bureau.

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