Dear Friends and Neighbours
At Cobourg Council on Monday April 9th, council will vote whether or not to approve a water playground. The Deputy Mayor has asked for feedback from the public.
It is somewhat unusual to ask this question at this late date – and I give credit to Deputy Mayor Henderson for doing so.
Most of the citizens of Cobourg have indicated that they do not want more visitors coming to the beach. Many feel it is crowded enough already
In direct opposition to the wishes of Cobourg citizens, municipal staff appear to be motivated by two things:
- To generate revenue for the town
- To support our struggling King Street
I believe that town staff are selling out our most beautiful natural asset – our Cobourg Beach – for less than $30,000.
If you agree, please share this Email with as many people as you can. Feedback must be received by the Deputy Mayor before this goes to a vote on Monday night. That’s about 48 hours from now.
Here is the Deputy Mayor’s request, including his contact information, taken directly from the Cobourg website.
Thank you for your attention.
Lydia Smith
President Cobourg Taxpayers Association
Do You Want a Waterpark at Cobourg Beach?
Council received a memo from the Director of Recreation and Culture at the COW Meeting on April 2, 2018 regarding the awarding of the Request for Proposal of a Floating Playground to operate at Victoria Park Beach, Lake Ontario, Cobourg (RFP CO-18-02).
The Deputy Mayor has asked to hear your thoughts. Do you want a waterpark at Cobourg Beach? Please read the Waterpark Proposal Presentation and Staff Report first and then send your comments to waterfront@cobourg.ca.
Thank you!