We are writing because we need your help. Since August 21, there has been a lot of publicity with respect to Mayor Brocanier not allowing a Question and Answer period for media and the public in Cobourg council**. We want to keep the momentum of this conversation going.
Please read the Grahame Woods article
Cobourg council should consider Question Period
John Draper has also published an article on this:
Should Cobourg Council Have a Question Period?
Mayor Brocanier believes that delegations are enough of a tool for the public to use when it wants to interact with our Councillors. He does not realize what a barrier public speaking is for most people. It is also a waste of precious time and resources when sometimes all a person wants is to ask a simple question in public.
In responding to letters from concerned citizens, Mayor Brocanier has expressed concerns about rowdiness, lack of respect, and possible riots requiring police intervention. I, personally, find it insulting that our Mayor believes Cobourg citizens would behave like soccer hooligans if they were able to participate in the democratic process.
** In Northumberland County, five municipalities have it – two do not (Hamilton Township allows Q+A for media sometimes while Cobourg doesn’t even allow that.)