Recorded Votes for the 2022 Budget

Most decisions are made with a show of hands and they are noted as “carried” or “defeated”.
A written record of how everyone voted must be requested by a Councillor before the vote and is known as a “recorded vote”.

Red highlights where Councillors voted to increase spending.
Green highlights where Councillors voted not to increase spending.
The amount of the increase voted upon is shown under “Budget Cost”.

John Henderson
Mayor Suzanne Séguin
Nicole Beatty
Aaron Burchat
Adam Bureau
Emily Chorley
Brian Darling
Budget Cost
Hiring date of the new Manager of By-Law Enforcement
be moved to February 1, 2022
Grants and Transfers to the AGN
of $175,000 be maintained in the 2022 budget
Grants and Transfers to
the AGN be reduced to 150k *
Start date of the Accessibility/EDI Coordinator
be March 1, 2022
Hiring of the Manager of Infrastructure Planning
be moved to April 1, 2021
Hiring of three Summer Students
(Tourism Ambassadors)
Hiring of one probationary firefighter
be deferred
Approve the 2022 Capital Budget YesNoYesYesYesNoYes$15,561,155
Approve the 2022 Operating Budget
6.3% increase over the 2021 Operating Budget
4.1% net increase after allowing for New Assessment Growth of 2.2%

* Recorded vote tied to the previous vote whereby those who mostly voted against the $150k grant voted for the $175k grant.
   We did not count this recorded vote in our tabulations

Summary of Recorded Votes for the 2022 Budget

This is tabulated from the above recorded votes to show the number of times Councillors voted to increase spending or not to increase spending.

Voted to
Increase Spending
Voted to
NOT Increase Spending
Mayor John Henderson61
Deputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin07
Councillor Nicole Beatty43
Councillor Aaron Burchat61
Councillor Adam Bureau70
Councillor Emily Chorley25
Councillor Brian Darling61