Climate Change is Real

This is a contentious issue, and we are not here to debate the issue. We want to provide you with some information to think about and let you decide.

Climate change is real, and we need to be aware of what we are doing and what we are not doing.

Individually, we are doing what we can to minimize our impact to the environment. We are recycling, reducing our use of plastics, composting, planting trees and gardens, bicycling, driving less, reducing electricity and natural gas consumption among many others.  

The federal and provincial governments, along with all the other governments across the world have a dismal record on actions to reduce the effects of climate change. We need to demand more from them in implementing policies for major institutions that have the most detrimental effect on our climate.

At the municipal level, here are some things we are already doing or should be doing.

      • We have a Sustainability and Climate Emergency Advisory Committee (SCEA) that advises Council.
      • We need to change the official plans and zoning laws that affect climate change, such as ensuring more greenspace.
      • When Town vehicles need to be replaced, they should be replaced with electric and hybrid vehicles.
      • Town buildings, such as the Cobourg Community Centre., need to be reviewed on how we can make them more energy efficient.
      • Updating building code standards to accommodate more energy efficient use.

Let’s continue to do the right things and not just appear to be doing something.

Mayor Henderson, as part of his platform wants to hire a Climate Action Officer to develop an integrated Climate Action Plan, encompassing United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) sustainability standards.

Why UNESCO standards?

“UNESCO uses education, science and culture to inform, inspire and engage people everywhere to foster understanding and respect for each other and our planet.”

UNESCO is focused on seeking to build peace throughout the world. Climate change is one of many areas in their mandate. We are trying to understand what sustainability standards the Mayor is referring to and why UNESCO.

You can learn more about UNESCO and their goals here:

As for a Climate Action Officer, why do we need adding another individual to the sunshine list of municipal employees making more than $100k per year.

Town staff and the SCEA Committee have shown that they are already very capable in advising and implementing actions to reduce the effects of climate change. Let them continue doing their work.

Ask candidates if they support hiring a Climate Action Officer.

While we continue to do our best in minimizing how we affect climate change, these weather events will continue to happen, and we, especially the Town, need to be prepared.

Of more immediate and direct concern is the need for the Town to focus on what to do after a weather event. Emergency preparedness plans need to be reviewed and updated. Simulations on what to do in an emergency need to be performed.

We do not need a Climate Change Officer.

We need to address the more immediate needs of residents. These weather events will continue to happen, and we need to be prepared.

Tell your Mayor and other candidates that.