This week, we saw that citizens can convince their elected representatives to change their minds. The residents of Abbott Boulevard in Cobourg made a presentation to the Committee of the Whole on May 29 opposing having a sidewalk built on their street. Council voted to build the sidewalks anyway. The group came back a week later with another presentation to Council and further reasons for not building the sidewalk. This time, Council listened and voted four to three against building the sidewalk.
What we have learned:
- A small group of citizens can make a difference.
- Be persistent. Do not accept “No”. Keep on fighting.
- Use facts and strong reasons to back your position.
- Councillors do listen.
Everyone should take note of this accomplishment.
All of us can make a difference.
You just need to get involved and try.
We congratulate these citizens!
Update: More citizens taking action to make a difference:
East Village subdivision has been waiting two years to have their sidewalks and driveways put in. They came forward with a delegation to Council in September 2017 asking Council to correct this. Finally on October 16, 2017, the builder started putting in the sidewalks. As of December 2017, they still have no paved driveways. Read the delegation here: East Village Sidewalk delegation
Citizens came forward to challenge the conversion of a heritage building in their neighbourhood to five unit apartments. After several reports, delegations, and meetings; they are still determined and as of December are still fighting. You can read more about their fight here:
Converting 394 College to 5 unit apartments
394 College public meeting and council meeting
Update on 394 College application
Council decision on 394 College zoning