Budget Protest Rally Scheduled For April 25th

The Cobourg Taxpayers Association (CTA) will be holding a Budget Protest Rally on April 25th starting at 6:00 p.m. outside Victoria Hall so taxpayers can voice their disapproval of the 2.7% increase in 2016 municipal taxes and numerous unnecessary expenses in the Operating and Capital Budgets.

Concerned taxpayers will then move to Council chambers at 6:50 p.m. where a Special Meeting of Council is scheduled following the Committee of the Whole to approve the 2016 Town of Cobourg Operating and Capital Budgets including Water and Wastewater services.

Taxpayers are telling the CTA that they care about the Town of Cobourg but are concerned with the increased spending that Council is planning to approve.

As a Town, our economic development strategy of taxing and spending our way to prosperity is wrong headed and guaranteed to backfire.

It sends a terrible message to fixed income seniors and hard working middle and low income families and it tells new businesses thinking of relocating here to think again.

And if you think the 2015 tax increase of 3.5% or the 2016 tax increase of 2.7% was bad, brace yourself for next year because the Town’s Budget to be approved by Council on Monday night shows it plans to grow property taxes by a staggering $4.5 million or 20% in 2017.

If you are enraged with Council’s annual tax and spend approach at budget time, we invite you to become engaged and to send Council a powerful message that it can’t ignore.

Join us at the Budget Protest Rally on April 25th and make your voice count.

We also suggest that you contact each member of Council by phone or email before it meets on April 25th. Their contact information can be found at:  https://www.cobourg.ca/council/councilmembers.html


Board of Directors
Cobourg Taxpayers Association