No more destruction of our waterfront resources tranquility
Escalating cost of utilities (water,sewer, electricity)
Raising taxes every year. Instead cut spending
Don’t take away or charge for things taxpayers enjoy such as free parking areas
Too much snow removal – could be cost effective – reduce frequency Medical Arts Bldg. Subsidy
Wants to know what happened to ‘Park and Recreation increased cost justification? What is happening there?’
Why are they consistently pursuing new residential development when we know that the residential developments always cost us money, not make us money? (i.e. proposed overpass west of Pebble Beach >> not needed
Re the new cobourg Via Rail addition/overpasss? Built with Federal money, does this affect the town taxpayers in any way?
Downtown isn’t supported by Town Council. Does Council ever shop downtown or do they shop out of town. No public washrooms downtown & no parking. It just doesn’t work anymore.